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Notification For Engagement of Act Apprentices in Metro Railway Kolkata For the Year 2025-26
Application Form
Already Registered
New Registration
Important Dates
Scheduled Dates
Published Notification
Commencement of Submission of Online Applications
Last date for Submission of Online Applications
How to Apply
Candidates are required to apply Metro Railway Online Application for Apprentice 2025-26 only depending on their eligibility which is governed by the ITI Trade & type of disability etc. More than one Application will lead to summary rejection of all the applications.
Modification of Application: Kindly ensure that the application is filled in correctly.
No physical copy of the application is required to be sent to Metro Rail Kolkata.
Pre-requisites for Applying Online:
Candidates must have a valid email ID and a Mobile Number which should be kept active till the completion of the process. All the communications will be through email / SMS only.
Keep ready a scanned / digital copy of one recent passport size colour photograph (3.5 cm X 3.5 cm, JPG/JPEG format, 100 DPI, 20 KB to 50 KB size) of yours , Signature and Left Hand thumb impression file in JPG/JPEG format, 100 dpi, 10 to 40 kb and relevant documents(.pdf only) file size should not be less than 100 KB and not more than 300 KB are allowed to be uploaded by the system.
NOTE:Application is not complete unless the application is submitted, photograph/signature is uploaded and fee (where applicable) is paid by candidates. Acknowledgment is purely provisional, subject to scrutiny.
Step-by-step instructions:
Click on 'NEW REGISTRATION' to apply to Metro Railway Online Application for Apprentice 2025-26.
Please go through the available training slots vis-a-vis your ITI Trade. In such a situation, your application may eventually become meaningless, as you would not be allowed to make any changes after the final submission. Moreover, you are also not allowed to make multiple applications, which will lead to rejection of your application summarily
The stages in registration are as follows:
Preliminary Stage – I
Select Trade and Fill up Candidate’s basic details including email id/ mobile No. etc. and Type of Disability (if any) and confirm.
: ट्रेड और उम्मीदवार का मूल विवरण जिसमें ईमेल आईडी / मोबाइल नंबर आदि सहित मूल विवरण भरें। और विकलांगता के प्रकार (यदि कोई हो) का चयन करें और पुष्टि करें।
Preliminary Stage – II
An Email will be sent to the registered email id mentioning the registraiton number.
पंजीकृत ईमेल आईडी पर पंजीकरण संख्या का उल्लेख करते हुए एक ईमेल भेजा जाएगा।
Documents Uploading Stage – III
Upload Photograph, Signature, Left Hand Thumb impression and relevant documents, if any.
फोटोग्राफ, हस्ताक्षर, बाएं हाथ के अंगूठे का निशान और प्रासंगिक दस्तावेज, यदि कोई हो, अपलोड करें।
Payment Stage – IV
Payment of Application Fees of Rs.100( if applicable)
रु .100 के आवेदन शुल्क का भुगतान (यदि लागू हो)
In the Preliminary Registration (Stage – I) : select the Trade from the drop-down list, fill in the details like Name, Father's name, Mothers name Date of birth, Community, Address, Email Id, Mobile number and other details related to the 10th/SSLC and ITI etc.
In Stage – II : a Registration Number is generated and the same is sent to the registered email id. Candidates will not be able to proceed to the next stage if they have not given a valid email id.
In Stage – III : you need to upload scanned photograph of size 3.5 cm x 3.5 cm, JPG/JPEG format, 100 DPI, size between 20 KB to 50 KB and scanned signature & Left hand thumb impression file in JPG/JPEG format, 100 dpi, size between 10 kb to 40 kb and relevant documents(.pdf only) file size should not be less than 100 KB and not more than 300 KB are allowed to be uploaded by the system. Preview of the uploaded photo/signature/LTI is displayed. Candidates can submit the photo/signature if the preview is clear. Otherwise they can repeat the process using a fresh photo/signature Please note that if the photo/signature file is improper, the candidature will be rejected (Refer to instructions for uploading).
In Stage - IV : After the final submission, you can make the payment of Rs.100 as Application Fee (if applicable) you can print out the application for reference. The application printout is NOT to be sent to Metro Rail Kolkata.
Please note that the data once entered cannot be modified. Therefore, candidate should make these entries very carefully after carefully reading the Notification and the instructions. Therefore extreme caution is advised before submission.
Payment can be made using one of the following Online payment modes only:
Credit/Debit Cards, Net banking and UPI Candidates can pay through Credit/Debit cards and Net banking of various banks.
Candidate can choose one of the options and proceed with the payment.